I am challenged by many things in this life......how to keep my dark socks from mixing in with my white socks in my sock drawer, how to get my boys to put their dirty dishes in the sink and their dirty clothes in the hamper, and how to fit 3 hours of chores into 1 hour so I can spend more time stamping. You know, important stuff like that.
Did I really need to take on another challenge? You bet!
I was challenged by my upline to make a Valentine's Day card with out using reds or pinks. I couldn't resist. I thought it would be a piece of cake, at first. Then I got started. If you asked me to make a Christmas card with out reds or greens, I could do it. Make an Easter card with out yellows and purples? Easy peasy. Make a Thanksgiving card with out rusts and oranges? Puuuullllleeeeze. But a Valentine's card without reds and pinks.........especially when I haven't stamped in a week.....I was stumped for a while. Today's card is my answer to the challenge.
Notice there aren't any reds or pinks. Or roses or cherry or crimson or ruby or sanguine.
I also participated in the Mojo Monday challenge too. Here was the sketch we could use:

I just killed two stones with one bird......I mean one bird with two stones. Two birds and one stone? I just completed two challenges with one card!
Jen, I like it, you did a outstanding job. Jean
wow I really like that card love the colors. Beth
very nice, I love all the detail.
This is absolutely GORGEOUS!! I love the title of your BLOG -- too funny
Love this! I love the non-traditional colors and the way you bunched your hearts together!
What a gorgeous card! Love your choice of colours :)
hi jen what colors are those i think i know some of them but just wanteds to make sure. Beth
Hi, I had to come by and see your blog just because of the name. It caught my eye on Mojomonday. Blog is cute just like it's name.
Hi from a fellow Mojo Monday girl! I love your card, it is so pretty. Thanks for sharing with us all.
This is so pretty. I love all the dimension and the photo corner accent. Thanks for playing! :0
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