Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mini Milk Carton Holders--all the rage

I searched incessantly today for a FREE tutorial online on how to make this milk carton holder. Almost every website I found sent me back to Becky Robert's blog where I could purchase her tutorial for $3.95.

I'm sure it is a great tutorial and probably worth more than her nominal fee of $3.95. But because I'm incredibly cheap frugal economical, I did NOT want to pay the fee.

That left me with one alternative. Figure out my own.

Which I did!!! I'm so proud of myself.

It is basically a box with an insert. So I measured the four milk cartons to find out how big the box had to be. Then I figured out how to make the insert/handle. Then I set to work decorating it.

I used Perfect Plum and Pale Plum to make the cartons. The holder is done with Basic Black cardstock. I also used the three flower punch, the large oval punch, the scallop oval punch, and the scallop edge punch. I stapled the milk cartons with a stapler and some black gingham ribbon. All the supplies are from Stampin Up.

I just forget to fill the cartons before I stapled them but no problem. I'll just find some small sort of candy to put in there and it won't matter.

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